"sMiles 4 Sammy"

“Life is not about the length of time we live, it is about the way we live in the length of time we’re given.”

Come join the fun at the 6th Annual sMiles 4 Sammy Family Fun Run & 5K!


When: Saturday, May 27th

Where: Vista Ridge High School

Time:  8:00 a.m.  – 5K Timed Run

9:15 a.m.  – 1K Ranger Trek to run with the Rangers

9:45 a.m. – Awards Ceremony & Door Prizes (must be present to win)

5K (chip timed):

            Now – April 15th: Individuals $25 / Team $22

            April 16th – May 11th: Individuals $30 / Team $27

            May 12th – Race Day: Individual $35 / Team $32

            Sleep In Option available until May 11th: $20

1K for the youngsters (or young at heart):

            Now – Race Day: $15

The t-shirt deadline for Sleep In, 5K & 1K is May 11th.

Website/Online registration: www.sMiles4Sammy.org

Funds raised at this year’s 5K will be used to support families of medically fragile children through our sMiles 4 Families program, to provide scholarships for special needs families to attend family summer camp at Joni & Friends’ Camp Allen in Texas and to support programs and initiatives in our community that encourage families of medically fragile children.




Check out our 2014 highlight video!

Check out our 2013 sMiles 4 Sammy 5K pictures, courtesy of the talented and beautiful Robin Winkles!

2013 Highlight Video









37 Responses

  1. My wife and I had to leave early. Where can I find the results for the 2017 5k run?
    My bib #388 my wife was #389

  2. Can I buy a t-shirt for our 6 yr. Old? It will be her first run. She wants to run like her momma!
    Please. 😉

    • Hi Grammie! We LOVE when kids get excited about running and being active! Especially when they have a great example of being healthy in one of their parents! Unfortunately, we do not sell shirts outside of race registration. The t-shirt deadline to be guaranteed a shirt was May 12th. We do over order by a small amount and following the awards portion of our race, we’ll put those shirts on a table and people who registered after the shirt deadline can bring their race number and take a shirt. It is first come, first served at that point until the shirts are gone. We would love to outfit everyone in one of our awesome shirts, but if we over order and are left with shirts, then that is ultimately money that is taken away from helping families of medically fragile children that we are blessed to serve. We hope everyone understands! Thank you so much for reaching out and we hope you guys have a great race! We appreciate your support!

  3. Hello. Sorry if a newbie question, but can you please clarify what is the “Sleep-in option”? Thank you!

    • Hi John! Thanks for asking! The Sleep in option is for people who are unable to attend the race (or really do want to sleep in :), but would like to show their support and still get an awesome t-shirt! Let us know if you have any other questions! We’d love to see you on the 27th!

    • Hi Lauren! Our photographer, Robin, let us know yesterday she had finished editing the photos and was sending us the flash drive. We’ll have pictures to share soon! Thanks for asking!

  4. Hi, what would happen if the weather isn’t favorable? (rain, etc.) Thanks

    • Hi Yosephin! That is a great question considering the recent weather pattern here! If it is raining without lighting, the race will go on as scheduled. Because this race is a charity event that is held on both school grounds and public roads and requires pre-event coordination with law enforcement and school district officials, there will be no rescheduling in the case of inclement weather involving lighting. The safety of all involved is our number one priority. Let’s all pray for beautiful weather for Saturday morning!

  5. Hi, I have a team of 3 would like to join but another friend wants to join too, but not sure yet. Can I register for 3 and then add another 1 in my team later?

    • Hello – Yes, you can absolutely do what you described. When you go to register the additional person, click on the team registration option, find your team name from the drop down list, and that person can register under your team. Hope this helps! See you at the race!

  6. Any earlier packet pick up options on Friday instead of the 6PM auction at VRHS?

    • Hi! If you come to Ranger Stadium at VRHS around 5:30 or 5:45 we should be up and running for packet pickup. See you soon!

  7. Pingback: Celebrating Nathan Without Cake - All Things Beautiful

  8. Hi, I was wondering when our times will be posted on the vista ridge 5k that was done May 31st 2014?
    Thanks in advance !

  9. Great job on the Race Saturday.

    Where can we find results for the 2014 5K from Saturday in Cedar Park?

    Thank you

  10. I won’t be able to make either of the packet pick up times..is it okay to get mine and my son’s the morning of?

    • Hi Amanda, yes, you may pick up your packets the morning of the race. We would recommend getting there about 7:30 to beat the rush. See you at the race!

  11. Hello! I was wondering if yall need an volunteers for your sMiles 4 Sammy 5k? If so, I would love to talk to you more about giving a helping hand 🙂

    • Hi Morgan! We are honored that you would like to give of your time to help us! We could use help on Saturday morning during the race. We could use additional people to help us cheer on the runners as they finish the race and cross over the finish line. If you were to arrive around 7:30 on Saturday, that would probably be good. My name is Jill, and I will be working at the registration table the morning of the race. If this interests you, you can find me, and I will get you pointed in the right direction.

  12. Can we pick up packets on race day?
    If so, starting at what time in the morning?
    Thank you.

    • Hi Cathy! Gates open at 7 a.m. on race day. The registration/packet pickup area tends to be rather crazy on race morning, so we encourage our in-town runners to pick up their packets during 1 of the scheduled packet pickups if at all possible! Of course, if you are unable to pick them up early, you can pick them up on race morning. See you soon!

    • Hi Rebecca! There is no age limit as running ability varies greatly for kiddos! If a 5K distance is too far for them to run, then feel free to sign them up for the 1K!

  13. Are strollers allowed for the 5K run? My husband and I will be running but would like to take our toddler with us…..?

  14. I am interested in running your race. I was wondering what the age limit is, and about how many people you expect to be participating in your June 1st race.

    • Hi Malorie! Thank you for your interest! We have no age limits! We have a 1K option for the young at heart who want to go a shorter distance, or the full 5K for those who want to walk, jog or run the longer distance. Last year we had 400 participants so we are hoping to build up a bit on that for this year. We hope you’ll join us!