“Life is not about the length of time we live, it is about the way we live in the length of time that we’re given.”
Every day is a gift!
sMiles 4 Sammy Foundation, Inc. is a 501 c 3 public charity.
Our Mission
The mission of sMiles 4 Sammy Foundation, Inc. is to encourage people to see that every day is a gift, that a healthy body is a blessing and to provide encouragement and support to families of medically fragile children and/or children with medically complex special needs.
Our Beginning
The sMiles for Sammy Team was created in loving memory of Samantha Scott. Diagnosed with Trisomy 18 several months before birth, Sammy was expected to be stillborn as this condition is considered incompatible with life. She defied the odds and was given ten gift months with her family. During these ten months, her family made a decision to see each day as a gift and to focus on living life instead of being defined by a diagnosis.
We are a group of people that were touched by Sammy and the life story that she wrote. In her 10 months of life, Sammy showed us that God is in every single detail, that every day is a gift and that a healthy body is blessing. Sammy impacted more lives in 10 months than many people do in years and she encouraged us to make a difference right where we are. She opened our eyes to the world of medically fragile children, children with disabilities and to the joys and struggles that members of their families face.
Our Mission Field
From our beginning in 2012 and all the way through to 2019, sMiles 4 Sammy was active in our community. With funds raised at our annual silent auction and through generous donations, we were able to support organizations and initiatives in Central Texas that allowed ALL children to experience life to their fullest potential. We’ve been privileged to donate over $108,000 in funds to the following organizations and causes: Cal Ripken Foundation for the KCCO All Ability Baseball Field in Williamson County, Round Rock Play for All Park Music Pod sponsor, family scholarships to Joni & Friends Family Summer Camp, Central Texas Ability Sports League sponsorship, Casey’s Circle sponsor, Brady’s Bride Sponsor, the Ronald McDonald House of Austin, sponsored Stockings 4 Siblings at the United Airlines, Valero & the American Cancer Society Flight to The North Pole, and co-sponsored the Angel Night for bereaved families at Dell Children’s Hospital. We feel so blessed to have been able to support such wonderful causes in our community!
In 2020, our team of volunteers made the decision to make our sMiles 4 Families Program our main focus, along with continued support of a focused group of the above organizations. The request for our support in this area to medical providers continued to pour in and we felt God was calling us to put 100% our time and efforts into this heart ministry. Our sMiles 4 Families Program, which was started in January of 2013, provides support and encouragement to families under the care of Pediatric Palliative Care, NICU and/or Pediatric Hospice teams across the larger children’s hospitals in Texas. Currently we serve families and medical providers at Dell Children’s, Cook Children’s of Ft. Worth, Texas Children’s Hospital Houston, and Hermann Memorial Pediatric Hospice of Houston. We feel blessed to be able to serve families and providers through this program by providing HOPE Binders, Kaitlyn’s Keepsake Boxes and Angel Care Kits.
Our Officers
President – Chad Scott
Vice President – Jennifer Vincent
Secretary – Jill Meyer
Treasurer – Sherlyn Scott
Board Member- Stanley Almazan
Like us on Faceboook at sMiles4sammy or on Instagram at smiles_4_sammy.
Contact us via email: sMiles4SammyFoundation@gmail.com

What is the date for the 2016 Walk/Run?
Hi Danny!
The race will be on Saturday, May 28th, and registration will open up in mid-February. The link will be posted here on our website and on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sMiles4Sammy/. We would love have you join us! Have a great day!