3rd Annual sMiles 4 Sammy Silent Auction
When: Friday, May 30th, 2014
Where: Vista Ridge High School, Cedar Park, TX
Time: Begins at 6pm and continues through the Red vs. Black Football Scrimmage
The funds raised through the Silent Auction and 5K race will be divided equally between the Smiles 4 Families program and the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation’s Williamson County All Ability Baseball Field fund. To find out more about the sMiles 4 Families program click here. For more information about the Cal Ripkin, Sr. Foundation’s Williamson County All Ability Baseball Field click here.
Stop by often to see items which are up for bid. If you are interested in perhaps donating an item for the auction, please contact us at info@sMiles4Sammy.org.
Cal Ripken, Jr. Autographed Baseball Bat
Let’s just start with one of our large auction items! An autographed Hall of Fame Cal Ripken, Jr. baseball bat. Yes, it does have a certificate of authenticity. Come to the VR Spring Football Game on the evening of May 30th and it can be yours! Know of a collector? We’d appreciate it if you would share this info with them! Thank you to the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation for this awesome donation!
2 Roundtrip Tickets provided by Southwest Airlines
Wanna get away??? Then come to the Silent Auction on May 30th at the VR Spring Football game and bid on 2 Roundtrip Tickets on Southwest Airlines! Thank you to Southwest Airlines for the generous donation!
Rangers Baseball Tickets
If you love the Rangers, this might be a silent auction item that interests you…2 tickets for a home game!
Sea World-San Antonio Tickets
2 Sea World Tickets for some a fun summer trip!
Arts and Crafts Basket
A BIG thank you to the sweet girls of Girl Scout Brownie Troop #1684 for donating this arts and crafts basket full of summer fun for the silent auction!
Relaxation Basket
The lovely Mendy Clark of Regent Property Group LLC donated this Relaxation/Fun basket and a gift certificate!to Studio Nails & Spa for the auction! The perfect gifts for a special lady in your life!
Mary Kay Baskets

Ladies, if it’s time to upgrade your makeup brush set, makeup bag and beauty basics then this is for you! We appreciate the Lester family for donating this and THREE other Mary Kay baskets for the auction!
Texas Flag
Stanley Almazan, Sammy’s uncle, is donating one of his handcrafted Texas flags again! This has always been a hot item so if you were outbid at the past 2 auctions, then this could be your lucky year!