sMiles 4 Sammy is a 501(c)3 organization and donations are tax deductible (EIN: 46-0824544).

Donations of all sizes are gratefully accepted and will be responsibly used to bless families in our Central Texas community. Donations provide support to our sMiles 4 Families Program.  Through this program we are blessed to provide support and encouragement to families of medically fragile children.

Donate by Mail:

Donation may also be mailed to the following address:
sMiles 4 Sammy
1631 County Road 156
Granger, TX 76530
Checks or Money Orders should be made payable to “sMiles 4 Sammy”

Employee Matching Gifts:

Another giving option may be found through your employer!   Because we are a 501(c)3 public charity, your employer may offer a charitable employee donation program.  To find out, please ask  your employer.

With your help, we can help families living through a very difficult diagnosis!  Thank you for your support!

One Response

  1. Hi Guys,

    I work for the federal government and each year we do a Combined Federal Campaign where employees can have payroll deductions and money goes to their selected charities.
    Each year I have searched for your Charity and it has not come up as an option for me to designate my funds to go to you. Below is the information I came across this morning if you are interested in being included in this annual charitable contribution event.

    Where do charitable organizations apply?

    Members of federations must submit their applications to the federation. Federations and independent organizations submit their applications directly to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (if applying as a national/international organization) or the local CFC office (if applying as a local organization). Charities can find contact information for local CFC offices via our Campaign Locator ( See the application instructions for more information. The CFC application form can be downloaded at