A New Year

A New Year

Gearing up for The Flight to The North Pole

Happy New Year, Y’all!  Samantha’s mom here…As s4S has taken on a life of it’s own the past couple of years, it’s been amazing to watch!  Our team has met some precious babies, parents, children and families.  Each has an incredible story to tell and a platform which to make a difference.  And I am convinced that these extra special babies are angels sent down to show us amazing things and to change our hearts.  What I love most about these little angels is that they make us look up!  To look up past the busyness and distractions all around us that for the most part we bring upon ourselves.  If you have ever experienced what I am talking about then you understand why it can’t be put into words.  Honestly, that’s why I’ve always been so hesitant to “blog” on our webpage.  How do you put into words those stories?  How do you put little glimpses of WHO God is down on the page?  I feel woefully inadequate to try and capture and share and explain. That being said, there’s been a tug on my heart lately to share more about what we see and how God is choosing to work through s4S.  Like all other areas of life, the start of new year seems like a good time to step forward in this area.  Let me just say that I’m not big on resolutions.  Mostly because I am terrible to sticking at those and always have been!  So instead of calling this a resolution, I’m just going out on the webpage limb to say that I am going to try to be better in this area 🙂  Being the mom of 2 busy girls, wife to a hardworking coach/teacher, part-time aid to some busy preschoolers and trying to stay on top of this mission keeps me completely busy.  It gets crazy sometimes!  I would be naive to think that I’ll have all this extra time for posting, so let’s make sure to keep the expectations low. In reality, I think there are only 5 posts on this page from 2014, so if I can do better than 5 then I’ll be doing better, right? I figure the only way to go is up 🙂

For today, I’ll just share with you a brief snapshot of where we are with s4S!  We just finished a CRAZY and BUSY Season of sMiles!  We matched up several sponsor groups with 3 of our families who have had a rough year medically and financially (these go hand in hand…I don’t are how good your insurance is!).  We got to be the team of elves and handed out 55 sibling bags at the Flight to the North Pole (VERY cool event!).  Goody bags were passed out at a community event by the amazing Vista Ridge High School DECA kids that continue to be serving hands for our mission.  And we received 3 new little ones into our sMiles 4 Families program!

Bottom line, over the course of the next year, myself or another team member of ours, will be highlighting different aspects of this amazing ministry that God has entrusted our help with!

Until the next post, blessings to you all!


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